Wasioja Township Snow Removal Policy
PURPOSE: To give the citizens of Wasioja Township a realistic expectation of the snow and ice removal services that will be provided during the winter season.
GOAL: The general goal of the Township is to keep the township roads passable during the most heavily traveled periods of the week. Service is prioritized by the most logical routing pattern.
OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES: The first priority is to make ALL roads passable. Once all roads are passable, the lanes will then be widened, and abrasive material applied if necessary. Finally, additional clean up will be done, if time allows before the next snow.
Wasioja Township has only one operator, one snow plow, and one truck. Operator duty shifts must be limited to 12 hours per day for safety reasons, therefore in no case is 24 hour a day coverage provided. Icing and snow drifting on roads are an expected aspect of winter travel and generally are not adequate justification to dispatch the snow plow. Hours of operation will be determined by weather conditions and/or traffic volume.
Weekends and holidays will receive a reduced level of service, due to lower traffic volume and limited resources available. If the weather service has recommended no travel, it is assumed there will be lower traffic volume, resulting in lower level of service. Operations will be halted when conditions are too hazardous, or if reasonable accomplishments cannot be made.
EMERGENCY CALLS: Snow plows will not be dispatched at night on most roads except for true emergency calls such as assisting, fire departments, ambulance crews, or searching for known stranded motorists.
State Law prohibits any pushing or dumping of snow onto Township road right of way.
Wasioja Township Board