It’s a Baker’s Dozen giveaway
With the new year, and a new decade as well, upon us this week, we have decided to kick things off in a big way with the newspaper. We’re creating an opportunity for readers as well as potential new readers to kick off the new decade by winning some cold hard cash.
We might actually be accused of trying to sweeten up our readers a little bit over the coming weeks. I wish I could say we’re offering fresh cookies like Sweet Martha’s makes available every year at the Minnesota State Fair. But instead we’re baking up a subscription offer that could sweeten your pocketbook.
Yep, you’re reading things right. We are giving away lots of cash over the next few months. In all, $1,500 will find its way into the hands of lucky readers. It’s called our Baker’s Dozen Giveaway promotion.
Here’s how it works. Renew your subscription or take out a new subscription for a reduced amount ($35, normally it is $46) plus you will get a month added onto your subscription. That’s where the Baker’s Dozen comes into play. To top it off, you will be entered into a contest to win a $50 bill. We will award one lucky subscriber $50 cash each week for the next 10 weeks. And then in late March when the promotion ends, we will give out the grand prize of $1,000 cash.
If you’ve just paid your subscription recently, no need to worry. You can still add on another year by taking part in the giveaway. It’s also a way for you to avoid any future price increases for subscriptions.
It’s maybe not the Powerball where you can win millions, but it’s a nice jackpot nonetheless. Unlike the Powerball where you’re most likely throwing your cash away each time you play, you will get something in return from us no matter if you win the cash or not. You will get a weekly newspaper packed with local community news delivered to your home each week.
This is a great way to support your local newspaper, and it’s a fun way for us to connect with our readers. We truly value each and every one of our readers. You are the reason we exist in order to collect the history of the communities we serve.
I’m also hoping this promotion will allow us to grow our subscriber base. We are always looking for new readers. So help us out by spreading the word to your friends, family members and neighbors that they need to subscribe to the Dodge County Independent. No other media organization covers Dodge County and western Olmsted County like we do. We have carved out a little niche that nobody else can offer. It’s a secret that we are going to be passionate about letting everyone know in 2020.
Hurry, you have only 10 weeks to take part in this wonderful promotion. We have the $50 bills ready to give out. After all, who couldn’t use a little extra cash, especially after the holiday season?
We hope this creates some excitement and buzz with our readers. It’s one way we’re blasting off the new decade by drawing attention to the great things we offer our readers every week throughout the year.
Put down the paper now and go in hot pursuit of taking advantage of our Baker’s Dozen Giveaway. It’s a sweet way to kick off 2020!
See full story in this week’s print edition or subscribe online. Please subscribe here or current subscribers can login here.