Saturday, April 20, 2024


Concerts, Christmas programs, business Christmas office parties and in-person Christmas Eve services for the most part have been cancelled, zoomed or held in a manner that falls within the guidelines of the governor’s orders. However, during this holiday week – between Christmas Eve and New Year’s...
Governor’s orders do not permit weddings, funerals and similar events to take place between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. So, if anyone was thinking of having a wedding around 10 p.m. or before 4 a.m., better rethink the plans. And, if Dear-Old-Dad kicks the bucket, and my family is thinking of conducting my...
Thanksgiving is behind us. Yes, millions of U.S. citizens took to airports, highways and visited with family and friends over Thanksgiving. All of us were warned that there would be an extreme spike following the holiday. Well, my wife and I thought it was worth the risk to venture to Maple Grove...
Area Chambers of Commerce are not allowing the Grinch to steal Christmas 2020. Kasson, Mantorville, Byron and West Concord area businesses are launching an all out attack on the Grinch and hosting activities targeting moms, dads, kids and grandparents. Kasson’s Chamber of Commerce (KCC) is...
No one is surprised when an eight-foot gator climbs out of a South Carolina water hazard and trapes across a tee box. But it’s not quite as common in Minnesota. A three-foot alligator emerged 10 feet in front of Cory Klocek when he was hunting near East Bethel on Saturday’s opener. It being 2020,...
Earlier this week I received a call from a young woman upset that an editorial in this newspaper titled: “It’s over and the winner is…?” She was upset, claiming it was pro-Trump. In conversing with this reader, I suggested that she consider writing a letter or guest column refuting what she had...
Many strange things have occurred in 2020. Nothing compares to what recently popped up in Wisconsin. A snowmobile was being transported on Highway 63 in northwest Wisconsin when the vehicle carrying to sled was pulled over. Now transporting a snowmobile in that neck of the woods is not uncommon....
Last Wednesday evening I received a text stating that someone had published an announcement supporting President Trump on the DCI Facebook site and concluded the notice that the president would be at the Rochester International Airport for a rally with a “Woot! Woot!” Thursday morning I held a...
Most of us have our own opinions. Watching last Thursday’s presidential debate is confirmation that the candidates have differing opinions on how the United States of America should function going forward. There have been differing opinions on whether to lockdown or open our society, businesses and...
I’m growing weary of the conflicting political polls offered up nationally, yard signs that scream for attention in the neighborhoods, political ads on television, social media and newscasters who are more opinion-caster than they are objective purveyors of news. I’d rather focus on local folks. A...


Dodge County Independent

Dodge County Independent
Dodge County ADvantage
301 S. Mantorville Ave.
Plaza 57 • Suite 200
Kasson, MN 55944

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301 S. Mantorville Ave.
Plaza 57 • Suite 200
Kasson, MN 55944

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