Saying Thanks
Kasson-Mantorville Elementary School fourth-graders participated this month in a pre-Thanksgiving “Grateful Challenge.”
A paper chain link indicated what they’re grateful for as the big day rolls around.
Mom. My Daddy. Hugs. Books.
“I’m thankful for my friends, because they’re supportive and really nice,” Ava Richardson said.
“For my teacher and my family, and mostly everything I have,” Ella Thronson said.
“I’m thankful for my grandparents,” Kcin Siegel said, “because they took me in when I was about six months, because my parents were fighting over me.”
Flor Rodriguez supported Kcin as he teared up.
“They’re probably nice and kind,” she said. “That’s why you have grandparents.”
Kcin said his grandpa, Chris Siegel, wears glasses and a goatee.
Grandma, Jodette Siegel, is shorter, and also wears glasses.
“I love them so much,” he said. “If it weren’t for them, I’d probably be sleeping on a mattress on the floor somewhere. I just can’t live without them. They’re always there for me.”
It’s all about a “gratitude attitude,” said the kids’ teacher, Tracy Schmidt.
“I love to see what they’re thankful for,” she said. “To see this every day, it helps me realize the blessings in my life.”
The youngsters provided many more reasons to be thankful.
Third-grader Dylan Meyer appreciates his dogs, Riley and Whittaker, and his guinea pigs, Ollie and Oscar.
“I get to see my family every day,” Delia Alberts said. “But my sister Ava, she can be a little bossy sometimes.”
Jossalyn Burkhart likes all her friends. And her two cats, two dogs, and two crayfish.
She looks forward to eating stuffing on Thanksgiving.
Kcin Siegel is excited about the whole deal.
“I’m gonna have a great Turkey Day,” he said.
Ava Richardson said her little brother Charlie, 9, is rather annoying.
Still: “I’m thankful for all my siblings, and my parents – especially Mom,” she said. “I’m thankful for food and water and shelter. And Ella.”
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