First-grader donates to Triton cause
Triton schools officials say the district may have to make difficult cuts since voters denied an increase in the 2018 operational levy.
Rory Ginder is having none of that.
The Dodge Center resident decided to chip in funds from her own savings account to try and help the district.
“I don’t care about myself. I care about other people,” she said. “When something bad happens, I’ll donate it.”
Rory is a Triton Elementary School first-grader. The $40-odd dollars came from her two piggy banks.
The 6-year-old insisted on making the donation, Triton Elementary principal Nick Jurrens said.
“It’s pretty insightful for a first-grader to donate all the money that she has to her school,” he said. “She wants to keep things the way they are. I’m just very, very proud to have her as a Triton student and as a part of our elementary school.”
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