Sunday, February 9, 2025
Left: A youngster displays his Christmas spirit during Kasson-Mantorville Elementary School’s all-school sing-a-long on Dec. 22. Right: Grace Arneson sings out during the sing-a-long.

‘Spirit and Joy’

KMES students ring in the holidays with music, Jingle Bingo

You could hear them from the parking lot, Kasson-Mantorville Elementary School students singing and laughing on Dec. 22, the last day of school before Christmas break.

They packed the school gym and used their considerable energy to perform “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” “Deck the Halls,” “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch,” and “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,” among several other holiday tunes during the annual all-school sing-a-long.

The kids then lined the school hallways to play “Jingle Bingo.” 

Listen to speech language pathologist Brian Johnson on the intercom, checking off symbols  – Santa Claus, mittens, a wreath, a school bus, candy canes, the Komet logo – that might be displayed in rows on your sheet of paper. Up, down, or across.

Got Bingo? Your teacher will jingle a sleigh bell even as you race to the prize table to grab something cool.

“They get into all of it, from the music to Jingle Bingo,” KMES principal Ariana Wright said. “And Jingle Bingo is such a special tradition. It’s a highlight and unique to our school, when all of our kids line the hallways together and get that chance for that small, little prize. But the fun is in the playing and being together. We even have some classes that play together, older and younger kids, helping each other out. It’s so super-sweet. 

“And there is nothing more magical than seeing the holiday spirit the eyes of a child. We’re so, so lucky to be in the profession we are and to get to be with kids this time of year,” she said.

Fourth-grader September Wilson said she especially enjoyed singing “Jingle Bell Rock” and “Reindeer Rap,” a rousing tune led by she and her classmates.

“I think it’s fun,” she said, “and it gives everybody spirit and joy.”



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