Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Unexcused absences result in drag queen story hour

National news recently reported on “Drag Queen Story Hour,” where sexual perversion is flaunted to young children at some public libraries. Drag Queen Story Hour invites men who dress like female prostitutes (drag queens) to display themselves while leading a children’s story hour. An internet search on the subject shows it has been around for over 30 years but is gaining in popularity across the country. How has this pollution of some libraries happened?

We could bemoan the political divide that polarizes the nation or lament Christianity’s weak influence, but these broad scapegoats only deflect our individual and personal responsibility for the issues.

Unfortunately, Christians have neglected public institutions like libraries, leaving them to do as they please. It would be difficult for Drag Queen Story Hour to occur if fervent Christians were at the library’s board meetings. Had a passionate Christ follower been at the library board meeting, an alarm bell would have sounded across the community that perversity was infiltrating the library.

No alarm sounded among local churches, alerting them to lobby and pray to stop this abomination of childhood education. The library board had been left desolate of Christians willing to attend, pray, and speak to issues. Consequently, the library became a wasteland of sexual immorality, afflicting our children and grooming them to suffer the same corruption as the drag queens. Unfortunately, no one is on watch at some libraries, and evil is having its day.

Before self-righteousness rises, ask yourself, “Have I attended a township board, city council, library board, or other local meetings in the last year to pray quietly for our elected leaders? If the Church abandons its duty to civil government and does not attend regular meetings, spiritual anarchy will reign over public chambers.

We elect officials and then leave them, like marooned sailors, to navigate the halls of government unsupervised and without direct prayer support. Some people may think, “I have prayed for our leaders. We did that in church last week.” To which I say, “Amen, great start.” However, what did your local council or school board discuss at their last meeting? What concerns and challenges were raised? Who is seeking to influence the leaders with gilded promises? You could not answer these questions if you or someone you know did not attend the meeting.

Even if you are one of the few who read the minutes of the meeting, you will still not understand the mood or tenor of the meeting. Who was pleased or disturbed by the business at hand? Who are the key people who will swing policy in one direction or another? If you do not attend the meeting, the human part of the meeting is lost in the details, and your knowledge of the proceedings is reduced to reporting motions, discussions, and decisions. The relational aspect of the meeting cannot be conveyed in a report on the proceedings. Politics is relationships. The Church abandons politics to pagan corruption if Christians are not present to build relationships and support local elected officials.

Many don’t attend meetings or speak up because they feel that their congregation will not support them if they do. Today’s cancel culture is vicious toward those who do not embrace their pagan morality. The Church must emphatically encourage and support those who are its spokespersons.

Representatives from the Church must attend local government meetings to pray for the leaders and build relationships that will influence politics. The pagan transformation of our society has occurred because our politicians removed Christ from our schools and local and state governments. It is time for those who have the Holy Spirit living within them to permeate the institutions of our society in the name of and spirit of Christ, bringing grace, mercy, and peace with them.

We are commanded to possess the land, extend His kingdom, and go into all the world and preach the good news of God’s grace, favor, and salvation from sin. To possess the land, we must first occupy it. Commit to attending your local library, government, and school board meetings. Invest your time, prayers, and presence in local government so our elected officials can help establish God’s righteousness and peace in our land.

Photo: Pastor Johann Marsland Church of the Nazarene Kasson


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