Saturday, April 20, 2024

I Was Thinking... Embrace It

At the beginning of every year, there is always a lot of advice on how to make this year better than the last one. The most common television commercial at this time of the year is for the newest and most effective weight loss plan. Everybody probably overindulges over the holidays and a new year is a great place to finally getting your life on track. Unfortunately, most of those trains get derailed before Valentine’s Day.

By the end of January many people fall into the post-Christmas slump. All the anticipation and excitement of the holidays is over, most of the festive Christmas lights have gone out, and January in Minnesota is noted for cold and snow. But since we know it is coming, we can either dread it or embrace it.

While winter’s cold and snow may force some of us inside for longer periods of time, that may be a good thing. It could be a time to tackle your “someday” list. “Someday I’m going to clean out that spare room closet.” “Someday I’m going to call my college roommate.” “Someday I’m going to use the treadmill for something other than hanging things on.” “Someday I’m going to read a famous novel.”

Everybody’s list is probably different but I’m pretty sure we all have one. There are things that we always wanted to accomplish but never seemed to have time.

The other seasons of the year seem always to have built in “to do” lists. Spring, summer and fall usually have all kinds of outside activities that demand our attention. Things to be planted, lawns to be cut and gardens weeded, in the fall all those leaves to rake and get ready for winter.

But now we’ve arrived at another winter. No flowers to care for, nor grass to cut, no leaves to rake, just an occasional layer of snow to remove. The world slows down for a little while. Trees pause their growth, rivers freeze over, and some animals hibernate. So why don’t we embrace a slower pace?

If we embrace this “cooling off” period, we may find it can give us some real satisfaction. Everyone in our family usually gets a new book for Christmas. I’m usually the last one to start or finish the one I got. But a good book on a cold winter’s day is a good combination.

But January isn’t all gloom and doom. Have you ever gone for a walk on a crisp winter day after a snow fall? There is something special about seeing the whole world in a shimmering cover of white. A silent walk on a quiet winter evening with a sky full of stars is as peaceful as you can get. Even the squeak of the snow under foot adds to the experience. Coming back in the house with rosy cheeks and a cold nose makes you appreciate the warmth inside our home we often take for granted.

Embracing winter sometimes is easier said than done, but it is what gives us bragging rights about being Minnesotans. What other state holds a winter carnival in its capital city, have hundreds of people drill holes in frozen lakes to compete in ice fishing tournaments, or where people go skiing even without hills? Life can be whatever you make it, so if the winter gives you ice, go skating.

Did You Ever Wonder? — If blind people wear dark glasses, shouldn’t deaf people wear earmuffs?

Photo: I was thinking Ron Albright



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