Saturday, April 20, 2024

All I want for Christmas is joy

Here we are in the month on December. This is indeed, the most wonderful time of the year! The boys and girls are all excited. The mothers and dads are busily getting everything ready. The tree will soon be trimmed, and the stockings will be hanging over the mantle.

One of the most enjoyable parts of Christmas is the giving and receiving of gifts. You know, there is one thing that I have learned about Christmas gifts. No matter how much you enjoy receiving them, they just don’t last forever.

There is however, one Christmas gift that is different. It never wears out. It never goes out of style. You will never become tired of it. It is a gift that keeps on giving year, after year, after year. It is God’s greatest gift to us. His Son, Jesus Christ.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

So, what are you giving for Christmas this year? Why not consider giving yourself? Let’s give our time to our families, our compassion to the hurting, our forgiveness to the isolated, and our hearts to Jesus. I promise you, when we will do that, we’ll experience joy at Christmas and year round!

I would like to conclude with a poem that’s very dear to my heart:

It’s almost Jesus’ birthday...

So let us not forget.

To give to Him the present,

That He would like the best.

He doesn’t want a stocking...

Hung upon the tree. 

Or lots of toys or presents,

Like selfish you and me.


He only wants our love for Him,

To shine out to the earth.

He wants us to tell others,

About His miracle birth.

He wants us to bring all we know,

To church to worship Him.

He wants us to remember...

He died for all our sins.


Please focus on His birthday

The sacrifice God made.

To send His Son to live and die,

So we could all be saved.

This tiny baby Jesus...

Born in a lowly stall.

He came to bring salvation...

To save us one and all.

From our family to you all —
Merry Christmas!

Photo: Pastor  John Todor First Baptist Church KassonMug



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